Did you know "Habari" means "What's the news?"in Swahili? A proper response could be: Nzuri (It's good)! Let I Am Sun & Kamali Academy show you a proper, Afrikan affirmation for our mornings, where we celebrate our Afrikan-centered identity and philosophies of living :) Click on the image below.

Did you know Ki'Swahili {"Swahili"} is one of the most widely spoken languages in Africa? It is a Bantu language that has official language status in Tanzania & Kenya and is also widely spoken in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Comoros Islands. It is also spoken by smaller numbers in Burundi, Rwanda, Northern Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique. It is largely a mix of local Bantu languages and Arabic - but Swahili also has English, Persian, Portuguese, German and French influences, as well.
How? Decades of intensive trade along the East- African coast resulted in this mix of cultures. This makes it a fascinating and very useful language to learn in the world: ) Sources: https://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/other... https://theculturetrip.com/africa/ken... Let I Am Sun & Kamali Academy help you get your feet wet with sentence structure, by learning the rhythm of the language. For awesome adult Swahili language classes, check out Swahili Dar Language School in Tanzania: ) https://youtu.be/KSusBpgwPSI Click on the image to the left.
Our growing book of sentences


Africa is the motherland of humanity and the most abundant continent on the Earth in resources, culture, land, and history. If you want to understand world history and culture, it only makes sense to start in the beginning and in the heart of our planet: Africa. Let I Am Sun & Kamali Academy guide you through the various countries of Africa, all of its diverse, fertile land, and the {tribal} nations that preceded and founded the roots of each one. Click on the image below for comprehensive slides.

Click on Africa above to access the interactive map

Learn how to count in Swahili. There is a rhythm to numbers in any language. If you learn the names of the single digits and then the names of all the tens and hundreds, you can easily learn to count to 1,000! Let's give it a go with some music and rhythm:) Click on the image below.

Did you know you have the power of the rainbow right inside of you? Kemetic yoga is founded on the understanding of energy portals or centers inside of our body, like meridian points where certain emotions are typically most experienced. In Vedic yoga, they are called "chakras," or wheels. In KMT, they were called "aritu." From satinmarche.com:
These energy centers connect us to the higher forces & are aspects of the Higher Forces within us. They are also connected to the planets & days of the week. Aritu give, receive & store energy. It is at these points where energy is exchanged.
I Am Sun / Kamali Academy works to guide your young Warriors to understand the different shades of each color, and how they can help us to heal and solve our problems through life. Click on the image below.

The Creative Force of the Universe, whatever you may call it, creates in patterns. When we learn to observe those patterns and quantify them, we learn to speak in Mathematics. When we master that language, it helps us to create more masterfully, in return. Join I Am Sun / Kamali Academy as we teach our young warriors to speak in patterns and then use them to solve problems and create solutions in our world. Click on the image below.


Did you know that the word "science" comes from the Latin "scientia" which means knowledge? When you break down the word-heavy definitions of science, you can get to a very simple meaning: science is knowledge gained by observing patterns and uncovering the reasons behind them. Learn the knowledge we have gained about the Universe since the beginning of our known Universe - and be inspired to pick up on its patterns all around & within you. Click on the image below.

Did you know English is a tough language to learn because of all of its weird, rule-breaking patterns? So, if we learn all of its weird patterns and practice them from a young age, we can become "proficionados" in no time:) Click on the image below.
